We're taking on The Legacy Challenge to support other veterans’ families
The boys and I have committed to doing The Legacy Challenge for 11 days straight in November for the other families whose loved ones have made the greatest sacrifice for our country.
The Challenge finishes on Remembrance Day, the 11th of November, when we get to honour those who died to protect our nation.
And I’d love it if you’d join me in doing The Legacy Challenge and helping me spread the word about the good work Legacy does for our veterans’ families. Personally, the support we’ve had from our local legatees has been absolutely incredible. The boys attended their first Legacy Camp a few months ago and we have met other Legacy families in our area at on multiple occasions at family days.
We could not be any more grateful for all of Legacy’s support- especially to Kylie and Rebecca (Nowra Office) for welcoming us with open arms. Thank you in advance for donating to my Challenge - it means a lot.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Scully Family

St Georges Basin Public School
We miss you dearly and are only too happy to support you in your fundraising efforts. From all of the staff & students at St Georges Basin Public School.

Di & Wayne Laycock
We are ever so grateful for the wonderful support that Legacy has given you and the boys. xxx

Julie & Glenn Stuart
All the best for the challenge Megs, Jackson, Connor and Hendrix. Heartfelt thanks to Legacy for all their support. xxxx

David Otoole
An excellent cause and challenge. Good Luck!! Your Dad will be very proud.

Rachel Birkmyre
So proud of you all! ❤️

Adam Luck

Mel & Ryan Anderson
Always proud of you xxx

Sam & Matt Keogh
Meg, Jackson, Connor & Hendrix, You are always in our heart! We’d love to support such a worthy cause. Love Sam, Matt, Chloe, Charli & Jaxon. Xxx

Bruce And Jo Long

Megan Stuart

Maggie Jeffery
Go Megs & the boys!!!

Courtney, Marty & Remy
So awesome guys! Always in our thoughts 🧡

Lisa Storey
Beautiful family - always stay strong and connected ❤️

Jewell Family
You’re amazing guys, we are sure you will keep smashing it, well done so far! Love Michelle, Ryan, Zach and Isla xo

Gillian Smith
Sending our love and support Megs , Jackson Connor and Hendrix. Such a wonderful support organisation Legacy. ❤️

Adam & Lisa O'connor

Lauren Sanchez

Sarah Comben
Good on you little family!! Such strength in such adversity. Such a wonderful cause!

Sam Keogh

Laura Whitford
Amazing Meg and the boys, and what a great cause to support xx

Shaun, Bianca, Sienna & Eloise
Good luck with the challenge guys 💪💪 Sending all the love ❤️

Carnie & Bj Stephens

Sara, Lachie, Ellie & Izzy
You are all constantly in our thoughts. You'll smash this challenge! Love you guys

Ev, Kel, Jax, Phoenix & Rube's Xx
We live you guys so much! Here for you always. The Donnolleys x

Love and support always - Laura, Phil, Will and Henry

You will always have my support. Love you ❤️

You and the boys are amazing. Proud to see how involved and committed you are for a great organisation.

Emily Williams
You’re amazing!! Good luck for the challenge, but I know you and the boys will smash it. Sending love to you all x


Briony Reeves
Such a great cause! Good luck with the challenge xx
