Legacy helps veterans’ families

Legacy promises to help veterans’ families carry on
Over 100 years ago in the trenches of WW1, one digger promised his mate that he’d “look after the family”.
Since then, Legacy has helped veterans’ families carry on with their lives after the loss or injury of their loved one.
Legacy promises to provide the same stability, guidance and assistance that a partner would normally provide to his or her family.
It’s a simple promise that Legacy keeps today - to look after the family.
With more than 100 years of compassionate service behind us, Legacy continues to honour this promise, and today supports over 30,000 veterans’ families across Australia.
Legacy helps the families of servicemen and women
Thanks to the generous support from people like you in our wonderful fundraising community,
Legacy is able to:
Help veterans’ families cope with the loss of their loved one
Legacy will be on hand to provide practical and emotional support including financial relief and support to advocate for entitlements.
Support partners
The Legacy Promise is a commitment to help war widows and widowers, to make sure they are not disadvantaged by their partner’s service. We provide both emotional and financial support.
Care for veterans’ kids (known as Legacy Kids)
Legacy is a community that supports veterans’ kids with a strong emphasis on their education. For over 100 years, we’ve run camps to connect Legacy kids to one another. Legacy volunteers have been by the side of veteran’s kids, after they have lost a parent, trying their best to fill the emotional void after the death or injury of their loved one.

Legacy is there for Noah
Noah is a Legacy kid. He’s 17 and lives with cystic fibrosis.
Noah’s father, Duncan, was an Australian Army infantry officer who served in Iraq. Sadly, Duncan passed away from cancer in 2019.
Legacy helps Noah in lots of ways – financially and with counselling – but assigning Ross as his volunteer was the best gift Legacy gave Noah. Noah calls Ross “my mentor and friend.”
Ross started mentoring Noah in 2020 and found that they enjoyed working on cars together. They’re currently restoring a 1970s Toyota Corolla. They spend time together and talk while they work with their hands, and Noah feels comfortable and he’s learning something that he can’t be taught at school.
“We have been working on cars for three years now, mainly servicing them and I’m now confident that Noah knows how to look after a vehicle. It’s very rewarding, watching him grow, and it is a privilege to mentor and assist Legacy kids.” – Ross.
With the funds raised by amazing supporters like you, and with the support of Ross, Legacy could help Noah through one of the hardest parts of his life – losing his father.
Your fundraising during The Legacy Challenge will allow Legacy and volunteers like Ross to keep supporting Noah.
Thank you!
Sign up to support Legacy kids
Sign up for the Challenge to join the Legacy fundraising ranks 🫡.
Your commitment will help provide for the kids, so they don’t feel forgotten.
Every dollar you raise will help support families of the servicemen and women who’ve given their lives or their health for our country.